Listed below you will find a series of articles and other documents you may feel will assist with your investigation. Please feel free to download any you might find useful. We will continually update this page with new articles so please check back often. Also check the various subject headings for stated cases and other interesting investigation articles.
Listed below you will find a series of documents related to specific cases that may help your investigation. Please feel free to download any you might find useful. We will continually update this page with new articles so please check back often.
When to caution a witness/suspect R v Shillibier [2006] EWCA Crim 793 DOWNLOAD
Pre interview disclosure* (See PACE Code C 11.1.a 2014) - Not cricket to disclose evidence to suspect - R v Imran [1997]
Prepared Statement prior to interview - R v Knight [2003] DOWNLOAD
Prepared Statement - R v McGarry [1998] DOWNLOAD
Adverse Inferences - R v Roble [1997] DOWNLOAD
Solicitors Advice & Adverse Inferences - R v Argent [1996] [1997] DOWNLOAD
Conversation or Interview? DPP v Hughes [2011] DOWNLOAD
Interview - No caution - R v Williams 2012 DOWNLOAD
Adverse inference from silence - prepared statement - T v DPP [2007] DOWNLOAD
Fitness for interview and access to legal advice - Beeres v CPS [2014] DOWNLOAD
No obligation to answer police questions - Rice v Connolly [1966] DOWNLOAD
Special Warnings - s36 - (Object/Mark/Substance) - R v ABBAS [2010] DOWNLOAD
Special Warnings - s36 Flow chart - DOWNLOAD
Special Warnings - s37 Flow chart - DOWNLOAD
Oppression - R v Prager 1972 - DOWNLOAD
Oppression - Jake Hawkins Scottish Case [2017] - DOWNLOAD
Adverse inferences plus officers reading witness statements in interview - R v CHIVERS [2011] - DOWNLOAD
PACE Code C 10 - Cautions & Special Warnings - DOWNLOAD
PACE Code C11 (Including 11.1.a) General Interviews - DOWNLOAD
Pre interview briefings & Legal advice - R v Saunders [2012] - DOWNLOAD
ACPO Guidance on Pre Interview Briefings with Legal Reps (Current) [2014] -
ACPO Position statement re prepared statements - DOWNLOAD
R v Barker 2010 - Competence of (child) witness - Baby P - DOWNLOAD
ABE in Criminal Proceedings - Guidance on interviewing victims & witnesses and using special measures - DOWNLOAD
ABE - Special Measures Fact Sheet - [2011] - DOWNLOAD
ABE - Vulnerable & Intimidated Witnesses [2011] - A Police Service Guide - DOWNLOAD
Victims of Crime - Code of Practice - DOWNLOAD
National Policing (NPCC) position statement re recording victims, witnesses & suspects on BWV DOWNLOAD
Listed below you will find a series of documents related to specific cases that may help your investigation. Please feel free to download any you might find useful. We will continually update this page with new articles and cases so please check back. The cases are not to replace standard law text books on legislation as with time the cases could be overturned or changed.
'Assisting Offenders' Sections 71-75 Serious Organised Crime & Police Act 2005, placing a legal framework around the use of the 'super grass' DOWNLOAD
The Offender Management Act 2007 - DOWNLOAD
Taking articles into prison (OMA 2007) - both actus reus & mens rea required - CPS v M & B 2009 DOWNLOAD
R v P - R v Blackburn 2007 - 'Assisting Offenders' that received reductions in sentences DOWNLOAD
Reduction in sentence pre SOCPA - R v A & B 1998 DOWNLOAD
Reduction in sentence s73 SOCPA 2005 - R v Jackson 2009 (Court of Appeal) Unreported DOWNLOAD
R v Bevens [2009] 'Assisiting Offender' who appealed against discounted sentence. (Link to R v Blackburn) DOWNLOAD
R v D [2010] - Review of Sentence for intelligence only - S.74 SOCPA 2005 DOWNLOAD
No guarantee of 50% reduction SOCPA - R v Ford [2011] DOWNLOAD
HMIP Annual Prison Inspection report 2019/20 - DOWNLOAD
Listed below you will find a series of documents related to specific cases that may help your investigation. Please feel free to download any you might find useful. We will continually update this page with new articles so please check back often.
The definition of 'Agent Provocateur' - DOWNLOAD
Was the offence 'laid on' or did the informant instigate it? - R v Birtles 1969 DOWNLOAD
Offence 'laid on' or created by the State? R v McEvilly & Lee 1973 DOWNLOAD
Use of police agent who used 'every trick in the book' R v Ameer & Lucas 1977 DOWNLOAD
Interviewed when not protected by caution - R v Bryce 1992 DOWNLOAD
Interviewed by undercover police on 'equal terms' R v Christou & Wright 1992 DOWNLOAD
Use of a 'sting' vehicle NOT entrapment - Williams and O'Hare v D.P.P. 1994 98 Cr. App. R. 209 DC. Divisional Court - DOWNLOAD
Did officers use a trick to entrap the defendants - R v Smurthwaite & Gill 1994 1 All ER 898 DOWNLOAD
Entrapment - Did taxi driver have to stop? - Nottingham Council v Amin 2000 DOWNLOAD
Was the defendant presented with a ‘unexceptional opportunity’ to commit an offence - R v Loosely 2000 DOWNLOAD
Was Police Officers request to buy drugs an inducement to sell them. R v Bellingham (NI) (NICC2) 2003 DOWNLOAD
Police Officer created the crime - R v Moon [2004] DOWNLOAD
Drug Dealer Sentencing Guidelines - R v Afonso [2004] DOWNLOAD
Changing circumstances in police operations must be recorded and authorised - R v Harmes & Crane 2006 DOWNLOAD
Latest case from N. Ireland re entrapment and use of 'state agents' R v McCaugherty 2011 DOWNLOAD
Did police induce M to committ and offence? R v M 2011 DOWNLOAD
Defendants 'lured' into supplying cocaine? R v Moores & Burrows DOWNLOAD
Defendants not forced to commit crime nor enter 'sting shop' - R v Palmer 2014 - DOWNLOAD
Listed below you will find a series of documents related to specific cases that may help your investigation. Please feel free to download any you might find useful. We will continually update this page with new articles so please check back often.
A judicial review regarding the disclosure of an informants identity to the defence - The Queen (WV) v CPS 2011 DOWNLOAD
Police have a 'duty of care' to protect informants - Swinney v CC Northumbria 1999 DOWNLOAD
Observation Posts - Protection of the informants - R v Hewitt & Davis [1992] DOWNLOAD
Disclosure - Failing to reveal role of 'informant' - R v Rowe, Johnson & Davis [1993] DOWNLOAD
Disclosure - Failure to reveal intelligence to defence - R v Jason Garland [2016] DOWNLOAD
CHIS Codes of Practice 2018 - DOWNLOAD
Did police induce M to committ and offence? R v M 2011 DOWNLOAD
Defendants 'lured' into supplying cocaine? R v Moores & Burrows DOWNLOAD
Defendants not forced to commit crime nor enter 'sting shop' - R v Palmer 2014 - DOWNLOAD
Listed below you will find
a series of documents related to specific cases that may help your
investigation. Please feel free to download any you might find useful.
We will continually update this page with new articles so please check
AG Guidelines on Disclosure 2020 - DOWNLOAD
CPIA Codes of Practice 2020 - DOWNLOAD
'Making it Fair' - HMIC Inspection on Disclosure 2017 - DOWNLOAD
The Queen & E [2018] EWCA Crim 2426 - Reasonable lines of enquiry
CPS Guide to 'reasonable lines of enquiry' and digital media downloads
Listed below you will find
a series of documents related to specific cases that may help your
investigation. Please feel free to download any you might find useful.
We will continually update this page with new articles so please check
back often.
Identification from CCTV - R v Moss [2011] DOWNLOAD
Identification from CCTV footage - R v Chaney 2009 EWCA Crim 21 DOWNLOAD
Identification from known offender on CCTV - R v Dean Martin Smith & Othrs 2008 DOWNLOAD
ADVOKATE -One of the most important cases in identification - R v Turnbull 1977 DOWNLOAD
Identification & expert opinion from CCTV - R v Clare 1995 DOWNLOAD
PACE Code D - Identification of 'known & unknown' suspects by witnesses - DOWNLOAD
R v Forbes [2000] When the suspect requests, an identification parade is mandatory - DOWNLOAD
Listed below you will find
a series of documents related to specific cases that may help your
investigation. Please feel free to download any you might find useful.
We will continually update this page with new articles so please check
back often.
Cordon's at crime scenes - powers - DPP v Morrison [2003] DOWNLOAD
Crime scenes, seizure of evidence and serious crime - Ghani & others v Jones [1969] DOWNLOAD
Who is a 'person of interest' - DOWNLOAD
Listed below you will find
a series of documents related to specific cases that may help your
investigation. Please feel free to download any you might find useful.
We will continually update this page with new articles so please check
back often.
Filming of drug dealers by public not covered by RIPA 2000 - R v Rosenberg 2006 EWCA Crim 6 DOWNLOAD
Using a listening device unlawfully - the catalyst for Part III the Police Act 1997 - Khan v United Kingdom ECHR 195 [2000] - DOWNLOAD
Listening in to 'privileged' conversations with client - R v Robert Sutherland & others 2002 DOWNLOAD
The use of observation posts and the protection of informants - R v Johnson 1988 DOWNLOAD
The use of observations and protecting the identity of informants - R v Rankine 1986 DOWNLOAD
Meeting with Legal Advisor subject to 'covert surveillance' - UKHL 15 [2009] - Re McE, M & C DOWNLOAD
Using observation log to refresh memory - R v Sekhon [1987] DOWNLOAD
Police Surveillance Driving - Agnew v DPP [1990] DOWNLOAD
Police Driving - R v Bannister [2009] DOWNLOAD
Intrusive Surveillance & Property Interference Codes of Practice - DOWNLOAD